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Secret Record of Maintenance and Maintenance of Grazing Machine
release time:2019-3-28 15:49:00      hit count:1754

Daily pre-start check

1. Check oil and coolant leakage, record tire damage, hose extrusion deformation, bolt loosening or edge wear.

2. Removal of debris, residues and garbage from loose areas of bulldozers or discs

3. Check and ensure that the bulldozer slides and the top surface of the disc are clean.

4. Ensure that the safety signs are clean and in good condition. If damaged, lost or blurred, replace in time.

5. Clean the cockpit glass and check that all rearview mirrors are in place.

6. Before starting the grader, make sure that all the tools and other unfixed items on the machine are clear.

7. Visual inspection of brake fluid level through translucent main cylinder container. The liquid level should be at the flange of the container, not more than 1 inch from the top of the cap.

8. Check once a week or 50 hours of work. The daily pre-startup inspection method should also be used during the inspection.

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